Friday, September 19, 2008

Look what I did...

As most of you know, Curt is working (like always) and has been going to school for the past couple of years. Well this week was one of those weeks where he was just not around much because of his other responsibilities. Tuesday was a fun day that consisted of a trip to a flooded park where the kids played in mud and water up to their knees all morning.

Needless to say, Colby had to have a bath when we got home from frolicking in the world's largest puddle. Then it was time for a nap. After such an adventurous morning and heading into another evening without Curt, I decided to end the day with a treat. After dinner, I loaded the kids in the Jeep and we headed out for McDonald's Oreo McFlurries. Colby even got his own. By the time we got home, Chloe was ready for bed. I gave Colby his ice cream and told him to eat it while I put her to bed. (Anyone who has had a McFlurry knows that they are always pretty melted shortly after getting them.) So I fed Chloe and got her to sleep and came back out to the living room to find this:

That's right...melted McFlurry splattered over every inch of the living room! It was on both couches, the arm chair, the coffee table, the carpet, and every inch of Colby. It was one of those moments where you either laugh or cry, so I took pictures. I couldn't help it, he was just so proud of what he had accomplished. I only wish they really showed the magnitude of the mess. I'm not sure our living room will ever be the same!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That day was so fun at the park! I can NOT believe how much more water there is! All the way up to the road now and one block further up too! You can't even tell there IS a park there right now. I wonder how long until this water recedes?

That Colby is just too precious for words! We love you guys!

Oh... and your hubby and my dear hubby fixed a VERY blown up tire on my car at midnight tonight. *sigh*