Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First dy of school

I hve to strt out by pologiing. For some reson couple of letters re not working. (The first nd lst letters of the lphbet). So I m trying to post nywy. Here is picture of Colby's first dy of school.

Chloe thought she needed to hve her picture tken too. :)

Hopefully I cn do rel post soon with ll of the letters working.


Jessica Barr said...

BAHAHA! Sorry, I had to laugh at this and your non working letters. It was funny. Your kids are the best and I can't wait to squeeze them! :)

Anonymous said...

They both look so much older than last time I saw them :( I guess that means I don't see them enough!

Larissa Holland said...

Oh, goodness! The missing letters make it seem all mysterious. Maybe your keyboard has cheerio crumbs in it? Can't believe your handsome young man is old enough for school. What great shots!

What I Did Today said...

Hahahaha! Too funny. Sorry, I'm sure it's annoying for you, but it gave me a good laugh! Cute blog! My computer is weird and occasionally there will be a button that acts like something is stuck underneath of it (then it doesn't work well, if at all). I think there may be a small creature living under the keys and it moves around at times.

Stacy said...

So very cute...both of them! Hard to believe this time has come so fast, right??